Pineapple Caramel Upside-Down Chocolate Cake

Another recipe from my magazine cutout folder – this one is from the French issue of Saveur, and caught my eye as I just love any cake with fruit in it. Somehow I can trick myself into thinking that it’s a ‘healthy option’ 🙂 It’s also a simple recipe with few ingredients and really easy to put together, all good reasons for trying it out for yourself. It’s a winner at dinner parties!

Magazine recipes are a bit of a gamble as I find that sometimes, there is just something missing, or the cooking times aren’t quite right. This one however is spot on – a nice cakey exterior with a moist interior, the sweetness of the pineapple juxtaposed by the bitterness of the chocolate (the darker the better).

My latest kitchen toy is a pineapple corer, which is rather indispensable if you want your cake to have nice round pineapple circles. It also takes a lot of the fuss out of eating this rather prickly fruit as it takes literally seconds to peel and core it – without it, I just wouldn’t be bothered as it’s so much of a hassle to do it by hand.


You’ll need:

1 whole pineapple
150g brown sugar
100g caster sugar
150g plain flour
150g unsalted butter, softened
100g dark chocolate
3 eggs
2 1/2 tsp baking powder

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