Wild Rose Detox, Day 1: What you can and can’t eat

Day 1 is over and I’m doing well so far! Below is a table I’ve made of the foods that I should be eating and shouldn’t be eating, and have stuck it by my work computer and on my fridge at home. I’m finding it fun and helpful to highlight all of the items that I’ve used as ingredients, so I can try to control the amount of each that I’m eating. I also section off my plate into a pie, so to speak, and only have Section 1 Foods covering a small slice of it.

If you know the ins and outs of this detox, and you’ve figured out whether or not this detox is for you, then here’s what you can and cannot eat:

The Detox recommends that you eat 80% alkaline and neutral foods in your diet (Sections 2&3), and limit your intake of acid forming foods to 20% (Section 1).

SECTION 1 (eat less than 20%) :
Protein/Acid Forming foods

Most recommended Acceptable during programme Not recommended during programme
Fish Beans (dried fresh beans) Buttermilk
Beef Cheese (of any kind)
Eggs (whole) Seafood (shellfish)
Grains ** Yoghurt
Nuts (except peanuts)
Peas (dried) fresh peas
Prunes (cooked)
Rhubarb (cooked)
Rice (white)
Seeds (i.e. sunflower, flax etc.)
Soy beans
Tofu (plain, unsweetened)

SECTION 2 (eat 80% or more) : 

Starch Foods/Alkaline forming foods

Recommended Acceptable during programme Not recommended during programme
Millet, buckwheat Almond milk (without sweeteners) Bananas
Rice (Brown) Apples Currants
Quinoa Apricots Dried fruit
Almonds Berries (blueberries, raspberries etc.) Fruit juices
Cherries Flour of any grains
Lemons Grapes
Peaches, pears, plums, nectarines Honey
Popcorn Malt
Potatoes (baked) Malt syrup
Pumpkin (squash, yams, sweet potatoes) Melons-cantaloupe, honeydew etc.
Sesame seeds Molasses
Tahini Oranges
Tomatoes*** Pasta
Soups thickened with flour
Tropical fruitT
To be avoided: The golden rules
Flours or flour products (pasta, cakes, pancakes, crackers, flour in sauces or gravy
Dairy products (except butter)
Tropical fruits
All fermented foods (wine, beer, vinegar, soy sauce, black tea, miso)
*Coffee, green tea and herbal tea are acceptable, max. two cups a day
** Barley, kasha, bulgar, spelt, kamut, amaranth, oats, rye, wheat berries
*** Food to eat in moderation: Tomato or vegetable juice, salt
**** i.e. Olive oil, flax oil, sunflower oil

One of the main functions of the Detox is to balance the pH levels in your body in order for it to operate more efficiently at an optimum level. Our modern diet tends towards much more acid forming foods, making it harder for our bodies to do their jobs.

You are told to not eat flour, flour products, sugar, or fermented foods and sauces. Mushrooms and grapes contain yeast on their outer skin, peanuts have naturally occurring yeasts and molds, sugar is not permitted because yeast thrives on it … Another function of the Detox is to rid the body of excess yeast, to balance the ‘friendly’ yeast and the ‘naturally occurring yeast’ in your body. Yeast over-growths and imbalances can cause digestive problems, bloating, headaches, fatigue, depression…you catch the drift!

I myself have never really given a thought to pH levels and yeast over-growths in my body, but this detox makes sense on many levels:

  • Limits meat intake, including meat and fish
  • Forbids the intake of dairy (although oddly enough, you’re allowed to eat butter) and flour products
  • Encourages you to eat more grains, veggies and pulses
  • Encourages you to drink more water
  • Encourages you to limit your caffeine intake, but doesn’t make you suffer without it
  • Recommends that you give up drinking alcohol for 12 days

Essentially, there is nothing really that extraordinary about this diet. You could probably follow these guidelines and still be quite a lot healthier after 2 weeks, even without the supplements.

There are certain conditions that will make your life easier (and your results better) when doing the Wild Rose D-tox. Read here for a list of things may help a lazy person get though.

I don’t usually eat breakfast but this detox makes me quite hungry – I think it’s because I’m not allowed to eat certain things, so my brain tells me I want to eat everything, even though I’m physically fine.

The detox says no fruit juices (Section 3), however it accepts apples, pears and carrots – so what is so wrong about making them into a juice?

Everything tastes better through a straw! 🙂

Luckily, I have access to a juicer. If you don’t have one at home, then try one of the fresh juice vendors on the street.

Lunch: Tofu omelette
with fresh corn on the cob


For tofu omelette, you’ll need: 
fresh tofu (for frying, unsweetened), 
spring onion
, 1/2 white onion, 
2 eggs, 
olive oil, 
chilli flakes, 
sesame oil
, salt and pepper. 

Fry the onion and the white part of the spring onion in a tiny bit of olive oil. When soft, add the tofu squares and fry until nicely browned, then turn them over. Add the egg and the green part of the spring onion, season with salt and pepper and chilli flakes.  You can then divide the omelette into quarters and then flip each quarter – it doesn’t have to be perfect. Serve with a small drizzle of sesame oil.


For a 1.8kg whole chicken:

 Preheat the oven to 190C. Stuff the cavity with half a lemon (pierce the flesh of the lemon with a fork first), half a head of garlic, 1 bay leaf, and (optional) a couple of sprigs of fresh rosemary, sage or thyme. Rub the chicken with a mixture of 2 tbsp of olive oil, salt and pepper, to season.

Place on a roasting tray with some cloves of garlic (I LOVE roasted garlic with everything!), and potatoes if you wish. I’ve chosen not to eat potatoes during the detox. You can baste it during the cooking time, but I don’t bother!

The Detox recommends that you eat as much organic as possible. I’ll be ordering quite a bit from South Stream Seafoods today, and my next roast chicken will be free range – no growth hormones – no antibiotics – no GMO feed!

Roast chicken  is one of the tastiest things I cook on this detox – it’s great because you have plenty left for lunch and even dinner again the next day!
I served the chicken with roasted pumpkin. Scrub the skin well and dry, then cut the pumpkin in half – careful with the knife, these things move around a bit! Scoop out the seeds and discard. Cut it into approx. 1 1/2 ” slices. Lightly coat a baking tray with olive oil (line with parchment if you want to be cleaner) – toss the slices so they are all oiled, place so they are not overlapping, and season with salt and pepper. Optimally they should be cooked at 200C for 30-35 minutes, but putting it in on the bottom shelf with the chicken at 190C is not a huge issue – they just aren’t as crispy, so I stuck them under the grill for a bit while I carved the chicken.
And after…
The pumpkin before roasting…

While the chicken was roasting, I made guacamole for my Day 2 snack. 2 avocados, cherry tomatoes (quartered), big bunch of coriander (chopped finely), 1/2 shallot (diced finely), 2 tsp of lemon, a sprinkle of chilli flakes, salt and pepper. If you are storing the guac, putting the cling film directly on top of it stops it from turning black.

Eaten on rice cakes – you wouldn’t have caught me touching one of these with a barge pole, but these are quite nice! I bought them at the organic food store on Bonham Road (opposite High Street)

More tomorrow! 🙂

34 thoughts on “Wild Rose Detox, Day 1: What you can and can’t eat

  1. Pingback: Wild Rose Herbal D-tox – a quick introduction | LoveBites

  2. Thank you your list of foods and food ideas are so helpful! I am on day 6 without the cleanse part and I am down 5 pounds. I really needed a crunch, so I bought brown rice chips, but then realized it is made with corn flour and rice flour. Do you think I can eat that or should hold off?

    • Hi Julie! Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been traveling! First of all, congrats on trying the wild rose cleanse – it’s a fab detox! Congrats also on the 5 lbs (woot woot!) – it’s not the main goal of the detox but it certainly is a very nice plus! At the end of it, everything will feel better, your skin, your hair, your digestive system…

      As for the corn flour/rice flour, I would steer clear I’m afraid – I’m not an expert, but we’re advised to not have any flours (you can eat grains but not their flours). If you’re craving a bit of crunch, rice cakes are pretty awesome, with some almond butter smeared on them they’re quite a treat. Try a handful of almonds, an apple, or even a fried egg. I feel you – my big craving during the detox was pasta, which is funny because I hardly eat it when I’m not detoxing. The body sends strange signals sometimes!

      Enjoy the rest of your cleanse!

  3. Pingback: Un Dîner Provençal – Crusted Halibut Fillet with Vegetable Ragoût | LoveBites

  4. Pingback: Souvla’s Cypriot Grain Salad!!! | LoveBites

  5. Pingback: Homemade Vegetable Broth and Chicken Broth | LoveBites

    • Hiya! As soy beans and tofu are both acceptable, I suppose soy milk is also acceptable! But they are recommended in the 20% section, and almond milk is in the 80% section, so drink more almond and less soy 🙂 Plus, too much soy is not good for you anyway. Hope that helps!

  6. Nice job – but I didn’t read some of the directions quite the same way. I don’t believe you are limited to two cups of green tea, that’s true for coffee tho. And of course, no black tea at all as it is fermented. Soy milk is actually listed is acceptable on the 80% list, but only unsweetened…and in a tiny box listed as a food to have in moderation along with rice milk. (as you suggested) I mis-read that almonds are ok, but only 20 % and went back to check – and you had it correctly – they are the exception at 80% Thanks for that~
    I have the Wild Rose cookbook too – which helps a bit more than just the list. They do mention limited the heated use of olive oil, there is no mention of grape seed or coconut that I could find. There are still unclear areas…lemons = good, oranges=bad, what about grapefruit?
    Wish you had kept going with your de-tox and menu diary!!

    • I found that I felt all sorts of weird things during the detox, and some cramping definitely but mostly around my digestive system. If this problem persists then you should have it checked out.

  7. I have a shake every morning which contains berries, wheat grass & chlorella. I usually like to put a cup or so of coconut water in there, but not sure if it is acceptable during the program. any thoughts?

  8. Pingback: How I Survived the Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox (Includes Meal Plan)

  9. Hi! I just bought this to detox for many reasons. I drink protein shakes in the morning. They are gluten and dairy free along with almond milk, do you think that is okay?

    • Hi Malinda – I hope you enjoyed your detox! Sorry for the late reply – I believe you’re not supposed to have any processed food or added sugars. I’ve never taken protein shakes before, but if the ingredients include any fructose, artificial flavours, concentrates or extracts, if stay away from them. Maybe a natural homemade protein shake instead?

  10. today is day 11 – I’ve only cheated once & yesterday with a coffee & cream …….. it was so good …. 2.5 lbs HMMMM I was constipated most of the time – headache for first five days ……………. I eat fairly healthy & I rarely drink so this wasn’t a big deal for me BUT I don’t think I’d do it again – read many comments … dont have any of the good feeling everyone else has had ???

    • Hi Judy, congratulations for making it to day 11, big pat on the back to you! I’m sorry to hear that your experience with the Wild rose detox wasn’t up to your expectations, but hang in there!

      If you are coffee dependent, the headaches are most likely due to skipping of coffee as your daily fix! (Although black coffee is allowed in this detox). I’ve just recently given up coffee and the first few days are tough (super tired, headaches, less energy) but by day 4 I was feeling great and didn’t need the caffeine any more to stay awake! I highly recommend it – I still drink decaf to have the taste and herbal teas because I like hot beverages 🙂

      As for the constipation this is very strange indeed as the natural herbs in the pills are meant to aid elimination, and if you are not eliminating then something is not working as it should. Try adding more large plates of leafy greens to your meals perhaps, or foods with more roughage?

      I also find that regular exercise really helps with constipation – what do you do for your exercise?

  11. Pingback: What Can You Eat While On A Detox Diet | Tiriya1

  12. the detox Is not recommended in case of high blood pressure but I take medecine and it Is well controlled. I have already bought the herbal-d-detox cure si I want to take it. What should I expect?

    • Hi Pauline, I’m not a doctor and am not at all qualified to answer this question for you I’m afraid! Please ask a professional – perhaps there are some elements in the herbal supplements that aren’t good for blood pressure, or react to blood pressure meds?

  13. Hi there!
    I’m wondering if I’m allowed to have Organic stevia leaf extract? It’s part of an otherwise stripped protein powder made solely of sprouted grains, and is the last ingredient. The protein powder is called “Iron Vegan Sprouted Protein” (contains brown rice, amaranth, quinoa, millet and pumpkin seed). Claims no

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